Mummy Makeover (mommy make over)

Every mummy makeover is different as every woman’s body and their life’s experiences are unique. There are many plastic surgery procedures to help restore a mummy’s post-pregnancy body. They can be performed singularly or in conjunction with other mummy makeover surgeries. The choice is personal and is dependent upon the amount of transformation required. They include:

- Breast uplift

- Breast augmentation (enlargement)

- Breast reduction

- Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

- Liposuction

- Vaginoplasty

- Labiaplasty

- Scar and stretch mark removal

- Skin rejuvenation

Most often a mummy makeover combines a tummy tuck with breast surgery (lift, augmentation, or lift and augmentation) to address the main areas affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Busy mums often choose a mummy makeover that combines surgeries as it reduces the amount of downtime and allows them to get back to their child-caring responsibilities and daily lives more quickly than if they were to have the procedures independently.

Gynaecological cosmetic surgery

Gynaecological cosmetic surgery includes vaginoplasty and labiaplasty. It aims to rejuvenate and tighten your vagina. Childbirth causes many changes to your vaginal area and can permanently stretch and loosen your labia, the skin that covers your vaginal opening. A labiaplasty will reshape and resize your labia.

It is often the case that after childbirth the vagina can lose its elasticity and widen, causing a loss of sensation and reduced pleasure during sexual intercourse for both partners.  A vaginoplasty will tighten your vagina.